#!/usr/bin/perl -w #This is the source code for the CLIME-DSS server. # #For more information see: clime.tkk.fi and #http://geoinformatics.tkk.fi/twiki/bin/view/Main/CLIMEDSS # #The program code has been written by # #Ari Jolma ari.jolma at tkk.fi # #The program code is copyright Helsinki University of Technology # #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the same terms as Perl itself. That is, using either # # a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; or # # b) the "Artistic License". # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but #WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See either the #GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the Artistic License with this Kit, #in the file named "Artistic". If not, get it from #http://www.perl.com/language/misc/Artistic.html. # #You should also have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, #USA. BEGIN { $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'}; } use strict; use CGI; use DBI; use UserAccount; use FileHandle; use File::stat; use Date::Calc qw (:all); use XML::DOM; use ogr; use Geo::Proj4; use Geo::Raster; use Geo::Vector; use Gtk2::Ex::Geo::Renderer; use PDL; use PDL::NetCDF; use vars qw($me $conf $ua $br $DENY $mime_types); $me = 'wms.pl'; $DENY = 'Sorry, you are not authorized.'; use CLIME; $conf = conf(); page(); sub page { $br = "
\n"; my $r = Apache->request(); my $q = new CGI; if ($conf->{error}) { serve_document($r,$q,{html=>'text/html'},$conf->{dir}.'/'.$conf->{error}); return; } $ua = new UserAccount; my $x_cookie = $q->param('cookie'); my $cookie = clime_ua($me,$r,$q,$ua,$conf,$x_cookie); $mime_types = mime_types($mime_types); my $service = my_param($q, 'SERVICE'); my $request = my_param($q, 'REQUEST'); my $doc = my_param($q, 'doc'); my $cmd = my_param($q, 'cmd'); if ($service eq 'file') { my $dir = ""; if ($request =~ /^([\w\d\.]+)$/) { $dir = $1; } my $file = ""; if ($doc =~ /^([\w\d\.\-]+)$/) { $file = $conf->{dir}."/dss/$dir/$1"; } serve_document($r,$q,$mime_types,$file) if $file; return; } # unless (($x_cookie eq 'miracle') or ($ua->{currentuser} and $ua->{dbh})) { if (0) { $r->print($q->header( -type => 'text/html', -cookie => $cookie ), $q->start_html('Error'), "You're not logged in or I've got no database.", $q->end_html); } elsif ($service eq 'CLIME_DSS') { xml_header($r,$q); CLIME_DSS($r,$q,$ua); } elsif ($service eq 'WMS' and $request eq 'GetCapabilities') { xml_header($r,$q); GetCapabilities_1_1_1($r,$q); } elsif ($request eq 'GetMap') { GetMap_1_1_1($r,$q); } elsif ($_ = $doc or $cmd =~ /^Download/) { $_ = '' unless $_; xml_header($r,$q); SWITCH: { MapSet($r,$q,$ua->{dbh},$ua->{currentuser}), last SWITCH if /^MapSet/; LakeSet($r,$q,$ua->{dbh},$ua->{currentuser}), last SWITCH if /^LakeSet/; LakeData($r,$q,$ua->{dbh},$ua->{currentuser}), last SWITCH if /^LakeData/; ClimateVarsSet($r,$q,$ua->{dbh},$ua->{currentuser}), last SWITCH if /^ClimateVarsSet/; ClimateTimeseries($r,$q,$ua->{dbh},$ua->{currentuser}), last SWITCH if /^ClimateTimeseries/; TopicSet($r,$q,$ua->{dbh},$ua->{currentuser}), last SWITCH if /^TopicSet/; Arrow($r,$q,$ua->{dbh},$ua->{currentuser}), last SWITCH if /^Arrow/; Climate($r,$q,$ua->{dbh},$ua->{currentuser}), last SWITCH if /^Climate/; Patterns($r,$q,$ua->{dbh},$ua->{currentuser}), last SWITCH if /^Patterns/; Distribution($r,$q,$ua->{dbh},$ua->{currentuser}), last SWITCH if /^Distribution/; } my $cmd = $q->param('cmd') || ''; if ($cmd =~ /^Download/) { my $network = $q->param('network'); my $filename = $network; if (open(XML,$conf->{dir}.'/dss/networks/'.$filename)) { while () { $r->print($_) unless /^\<\?/; } close XML; } } } else { $r->print($q->header( -type => 'text/html', -cookie => $cookie ), $q->start_html('CLIME XML tool')); my $submit = $q->param('submit'); my $network = $q->param('network'); my $variables = variables($r,$network) if $network; if ($variables) { model_editor($r,$q,$ua,$network,$variables); } else { mainmenu($r,$q); } $r->print($q->end_html); } undef $ua; } sub xml_header { my($r,$q) = @_; $r->print($q->header( -type => 'text/xml' )); $r->print(''."\n"); } sub mainmenu { my($r,$q) = @_; $r->print(href('root',$me),' ', href('WMS GetCapabilities',"$me?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetCapabilities"),' ', href('LakeSet',"$me?doc=LakeSet"),' ', href('ClimateVarsSet',"$me?doc=ClimateVarsSet"),' ', href('TopicSet',"$me?doc=TopicSet"),' ', href('Arrow',"$me?doc=Arrow"),' ', href('Climate',"$me?doc=Climate"),' ', href('Patterns',"$me?doc=Patterns"),' ', "\n"); # dialog box to select a network and proceed my $networks = networks(); $r->print('

',$q->start_form(-method=>'GET'), $q->popup_menu(-name=>'network', -values=>$networks), $q->submit('cmd','Download the model'), $q->submit('cmd','Document the selected model'), $q->submit('cmd','Delete the selected model'), $q->end_form,'

'); } sub CLIME_DSS { my($r,$q,$ua) = @_; xml_element($r,'CLIME_DSS'); xml_element($r,'server',0,'http://clime.tkk.fi/wms.pl?'); xml_element($r,'Location',0,'Europe'); my %help; my $sth = sql($r,$ua->{dbh},"select name,descr from dsm_helptext"); if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($name,$descr) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $help{$name} = $descr; }} for my $k (keys %help) { xml_element($r,$k,0,$help{$k}); } xml_element($r,'/CLIME_DSS'); } sub GetCapabilities_1_1_1 { my($r,$q) = @_; xml_element($r,'WMT_MS_Capabilities', {version=>'1.1.1', updateSequence=>'0'}); xml_element($r,'Service'); xml_element($r,'Name',0,'OGC:WMS'); xml_element($r,'Title',0,'WMS Server for CLIME DSS'); xml_element($r,'Abstract',0, 'Contains maps related to lake management and climate change.'); xml_element($r,'OnlineResource', {'xmlns:xlink'=>'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:type'=>'simple', 'xlink:href'=>$conf->{URLRoot}.$me.'?'},'/'); xml_element($r,'/Service'); xml_element($r,'Capability'); xml_element($r,'Request'); xml_element($r,'GetCapabilities'); xml_element($r,'Format',0,'application/vnd.ogc.wms_xml'); xml_elements($r, ['DCPType'], ['HTTP'], ['Get']); xml_element($r,'OnlineResource', {'xmlns:xlink'=>'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:type'=>'simple', 'xlink:href'=>$conf->{URLRoot}.$me.'?'},'/'); xml_elements($r, ['/Get'], ['/HTTP'], ['/DCPType'], ['/GetCapabilities']); xml_elements($r, ['GetMap'], ['Format',0,'image/png'], ['DCPType'], ['HTTP'], ['Get']); xml_element($r,'OnlineResource', {'xmlns:xlink'=>'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:type'=>'simple', 'xlink:href'=>$conf->{URLRoot}.$me.'?'},'/'); xml_elements($r, ['/Get'], ['/HTTP'], ['/DCPType'], ['/GetMap']); xml_elements($r, ['GetFeatureInfo'], ['Format',0,'text/html'], ['DCPType'], ['HTTP'], ['Get']); xml_element($r,'OnlineResource', {'xmlns:xlink'=>'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:type'=>'simple', 'xlink:href'=>$conf->{URLRoot}.$me.'?'},'/'); xml_elements($r, ['/Get'], ['/HTTP'], ['/DCPType'], ['/GetFeatureInfo']); xml_element($r,'/Request'); xml_element($r,'Exception'); xml_element($r,'Format',0,'application/vnd.ogc.se_blank'); xml_element($r,'/Exception'); xml_element($r,'VendorSpecificCapabilities',0,'/'); xml_elements($r, ['Layer'], ['Name',0,'Europe'], ['Title',0,'Europe']); # my $g = new Geo::Raster filename=>$conf->{dir}.'/dss/grids/RCAO_g.bil',load=>1; my ($minX,$minY,$maxX,$maxY) = (800000,700000,7500000,6500000); my $proj = Geo::Proj4->new(proj => 'laea', lon_0 => 10, lat_0 => 52, ellps => 'GRS80', x_0 => 4321000, y_0 => 3210000, units => 'm'); my($min_lat,$min_lon) = $proj->inverse($minX, $minY); my($max_lat,$max_lon) = $proj->inverse($maxX, $maxY); xml_element($r,'SRS',0,'EPSG:3035'); xml_element($r,'LatLonBoundingBox', {minx=>$min_lon,miny=>$min_lat,maxx=>$max_lon,maxy=>$max_lat},'/'); xml_element($r,'BoundingBox', {SRS=>'EPSG:3035', minx=>$minX,miny=>$minY,maxx=>$maxX,maxy=>$maxY},'/'); simple_wms_layer($r, Name=>'Land cover', Title=>'Land cover map, CORINE data (c)EEA, Copenhagen, 2005', Abstract=>'Land cover map based on CORINE data.'); simple_wms_layer($r, Name=>'Physical', Title=>'Physical map, includes inland water from CORINE data (c)EEA, Copenhagen, 2005', Abstract=>'Physical map made mainly from GTOPO30 data.'); xml_elements($r, ['/Layer']); xml_elements($r, ['Layer'], ['Name',0,'NEAmerica'], ['Title',0,'NEAmerica']); ($minX,$minY,$maxX,$maxY) = (-1644180.228, 4428379.294, 1782695.514, 9997964.943); $proj = Geo::Proj4->new(proj => 'utm', zone => 18, ellps => 'GRS80', towgs84 => "0,0,0,0,0,0,0", units => 'm'); ($min_lat,$min_lon) = $proj->inverse($minX, $minY); ($max_lat,$max_lon) = $proj->inverse($maxX, $maxY); xml_element($r,'SRS',0,'EPSG:2149'); xml_element($r,'LatLonBoundingBox', {minx=>$min_lon,miny=>$min_lat,maxx=>$max_lon,maxy=>$max_lat},'/'); xml_element($r,'BoundingBox', {SRS=>'EPSG:2149', minx=>$minX,miny=>$minY,maxx=>$maxX,maxy=>$maxY},'/'); simple_wms_layer($r, Name=>'NEAmerica Physical', Title=>'Physical map, mainly from GTOPO30', Abstract=>'Physical map, mainly from GTOPO30'); xml_elements($r, ['/Layer']); xml_elements($r, ['/Capability'], ['/WMT_MS_Capabilities']); } sub simple_wms_layer { my $r = shift; my %p = @_; xml_element($r,'Layer'); xml_element($r,'Name',0,$p{Name}); xml_element($r,'Title',0,$p{Title}); xml_element($r,'Abstract',0,$p{Abstract}); xml_element($r,'/Layer'); } sub GetMap_1_1_1 { my($r,$q) = @_; my $layers = my_param($q, 'LAYERS'); $layers = my_param($q, 'Layers') unless $layers; my @layers = split/,/, $layers; my $srs = my_param($q,'SRS'); # we serve only 3035 my $epsg; if ($srs =~ /EPSG:(\d+)/) { $epsg = $1; } my @bbox1 = split/,/, my_param($q,'BBOX'); my @bbox; for (@bbox1) { my($a) = $_ =~ /([\d\.\-E]+)/; push @bbox,$a; } my ($w) = my_param($q,'WIDTH') =~ /(\d+)/; my ($h) = my_param($q,'HEIGHT') =~ /(\d+)/; my $format = my_param($q,'FORMAT'); $w = 523 unless $w; $h = 453 unless $h; # jotain rajaa: $w = 2000 if $w > 2000; $h = 2000 if $h > 2000; my $name = time(); my $clip = '/l/bin/gdal_translate -of PNG -not_strict'; my $raster = "$conf->{dir}/dss/CORINE/lceugr100_00_pct.tif"; my $vector = "$conf->{dir}/dss/CORINE/rajat"; my $shoreline = "$conf->{dir}/dss/CORINE/gshhs_land"; my $png = "$conf->{dir}/dss/tmp/$name.png"; my @bgcolor = (138,200,199); # sea # system "$clip -outsize $w $h -projwin $bbox[0] $bbox[3] $bbox[2] $bbox[1] $raster $png"; my $pixel_size = ($bbox[2] - $bbox[0])/$w; # assuming.. my ($minX,$minY,$maxX,$maxY) = @bbox; @bbox = ($minX,$minY,$minX+$w*$pixel_size,$minY+$h*$pixel_size); my @wms = (); #print STDERR "$layers\n"; if ($layers =~ /^Land/) { # country fills $wms[0] = new Geo::Vector $vector unless defined $wms[0]; $wms[0]->{alpha} = 255; $wms[0]->{COLOR} = [255,255,255,255]; # no data # CORINE $wms[1] = new Geo::Raster $raster unless defined $wms[1]; $wms[1]->{GDAL}->{dataset}->GetRasterBand(1)->SetNoDataValue(255); # country borders $wms[2] = new Geo::Vector $vector; # $wms[2] = new Geo::Vector $shoreline; $wms[2]->{RenderAs} = 2; $wms[2]->{alpha} = 255; $wms[2]->{COLOR} = [0,0,0,255]; # catchments $wms[3] = new Geo::Vector "$conf->{dir}/dss/CORINE/lakes_t"; $wms[3]->{alpha} = 100; $wms[3]->{COLOR} = [100,255,100,255]; $wms[4] = new Geo::Vector "$conf->{dir}/dss/CORINE/lakes_t"; $wms[4]->{alpha} = 130; $wms[4]->{COLOR} = [0,0,0,255]; $wms[4]->{RenderAs} = 2; # print STDERR "$bbox[0], $bbox[2] ",$bbox[2] - $bbox[0]," $w\n"; # print STDERR "$bbox[0], $bbox[3] $pixel_size\n"; } elsif ($layers =~ /^Physical/) { $wms[0] = new Geo::Raster "$conf->{dir}/dss/CORINE/elev.tiff"; my $corine = new Geo::Raster $raster; $corine->cache(@bbox,$pixel_size); $wms[1] = $corine == 41; # lakes $wms[1]->nodata_value(0); my $ct = $wms[1]->get_color_table(1); my @c = (21,40,237,255); #my @c = (128,242,230,255); # same as corine 41 $ct->SetColorEntry(1,\@c); $wms[2] = new Geo::Vector $vector; $wms[2]->{RenderAs} = 2; $wms[2]->{alpha} = 255; $wms[2]->{COLOR} = [0,0,0,255]; $wms[3] = new Geo::Vector "$conf->{dir}/dss/CORINE/lakes_t"; $wms[3]->{alpha} = 100; $wms[3]->{COLOR} = [100,255,100,255]; $wms[4] = new Geo::Vector "$conf->{dir}/dss/CORINE/lakes_t"; $wms[4]->{alpha} = 130; $wms[4]->{COLOR} = [0,0,0,255]; $wms[4]->{RenderAs} = 2; } else { # NE America $wms[0] = new Geo::Raster "$conf->{dir}/dss/NEAmerica/elev.tiff"; $wms[1] = new Geo::Vector "$conf->{dir}/dss/NEAmerica/PAL"; $wms[1]->{RenderAs} = 2; $wms[1]->{alpha} = 200; $wms[1]->{COLOR} = [255,0,0,255]; $wms[2] = new Geo::Vector "$conf->{dir}/dss/NEAmerica/NHDWaterbody"; $wms[2]->{alpha} = 200; $wms[2]->{COLOR} = [21,40,237,255]; } my $pixbuf = Gtk2::Ex::Geo::Renderer->new ([@wms],$bbox[0],$bbox[3],$pixel_size,$w,$h, 0,0,@bgcolor); $pixbuf->save($png,'png'); serve_document($r,$q,$mime_types,$png); } sub my_param { my $p = $_[0]->param($_[1]); return defined $p ? $p : ''; } sub xml_elements { my $r = shift; for (@_) { xml_element($r,@$_); } } sub xml_element { my($r,$element,$attributes,$content) = @_; $r->print("<$element"); if ($attributes) { for my $a (keys %$attributes) { $r->print(" $a=\"$attributes->{$a}\""); } } unless (defined $content) { $r->print(">\n"); } elsif ($content eq '/') { $r->print("/>\n"); } else { $r->print(">$content\n"); } } sub model_editor { my($r,$q,$ua,$network,$variables) = @_; my $distributions = distributions(); my $mapping = mapping($r,$ua->{dbh},$network) if $network; my @topics; my @csites; my $sth = sql($r,$ua->{dbh},"select name from dsm_water_quality_issue order by name"); if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($name) = $sth->fetchrow_array; push @topics,$name; }} $sth = sql($r,$ua->{dbh},"select lo.name from dsm_lake l join dsm_location lo on l.id=lo.id order by lo.name"); if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($name) = $sth->fetchrow_array; push @csites,$name; }} if ($network and $q->param('cmd') =~ /^Store this/) { my $new_mapping = { topic => $q->param("topic"), csite => $q->param("csite"), descr => $q->param("descr"), }; for my $i (0..$#$variables) { my $var = $variables->[$i]; $new_mapping->{$var}{sp_dist} = $q->param("var $i"); $new_mapping->{$var}{descr} = $q->param("descr var $i"); } store_mapping($r,$q,$ua->{dbh},$mapping,$new_mapping,$network); $r->print("The network documentation was updated.
\n"); mainmenu($r,$q); } elsif ($network and $q->param('cmd') =~ /^Delete the selected model/) { my ($filename) = $network =~ /^([\w\.]+)/; rename "$conf->{dir}/dss/networks/$filename","$conf->{dir}/dss/networks/$filename.saved"; sql($r,$ua->{dbh},"delete from bn_map where network='$network'"); mainmenu($r,$q); } elsif ($q->param('cmd') =~ /^Document the selected model/) { # now ask map variable to distribution unshift @$distributions,'Nothing'; $r->print("

Now documenting network '$network' (",href('back',$me),")


', $q->start_form, $q->hidden('network',$network)); my $descr = exists $mapping->{descr} ? $mapping->{descr} : ''; $r->print("Description of $network:
\n", $q->textarea(-name=>"descr", -default=>$descr, -rows=>5, -columns=>40),"
\n"); my $topic = exists $mapping->{topic} ? $mapping->{topic} : 'Nothing'; $r->print("The topic of this network is ", $q->popup_menu(-name=>"topic", -values=>\@topics, -default=>$topic),"

\n"); my $csite = exists $mapping->{csite} ? $mapping->{csite} : 'Nothing'; $r->print("The calibration site of this network is ", $q->popup_menu(-name=>"csite", -values=>\@csites, -default=>$csite),"

\n"); for my $i (0..$#$variables) { my $variable = $variables->[$i]; my $default = exists $mapping->{$variable} ? $mapping->{$variable}{sp_dist} : 'Nothing'; my $descr = exists $mapping->{$variable} ? $mapping->{$variable}{descr} : ''; $r->print("Description of $variable:
\n", $q->textarea(-name=>"descr var $i", -default=>$descr, -rows=>5, -columns=>40),"
\n"); $r->print("Link $variable to ", $q->popup_menu(-name=>"var $i", -values=>$distributions, -default=>$default),"
\n"); } $r->print('

',$q->submit('cmd','Store this'),'

',$q->end_form); } } sub networks { my @networks; if (opendir(DIR, "$conf->{dir}/dss/networks/")) { @networks = grep { /\.xml$/i && -r "$conf->{dir}/dss/networks/$_" } sort readdir(DIR); closedir DIR; } return \@networks; } sub variables { my($r,$network,$only_inputs) = @_; # SHOULD start using XML::LibXML my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser; my $doc; eval { $doc = $parser->parsefile($conf->{dir}.'/dss/networks/'.$network); }; if ($@ or !$doc) { $r->print("There was an error in parsing $network:
"); return 0; } else { my %variables; my @variables = $doc->getElementsByTagName('VARIABLE'); for my $variable (@variables) { my @list = $variable->getChildNodes; for my $n (@list) { my $name = $n->getNodeName; if ($name eq 'NAME') { my $v = $n->getFirstChild()->getNodeValue; $variables{$v} = 1; } } } if ($only_inputs) { @variables = $doc->getElementsByTagName('DEFINITION'); for my $variable (@variables) { my @list = $variable->getChildNodes; my $for; my $given; for my $n (@list) { my $name = $n->getNodeName; if ($name eq 'FOR') { $for = $n->getFirstChild()->getNodeValue; } elsif ($name eq 'GIVEN') { $given = $n->getFirstChild()->getNodeValue; } } if ($for and $given) { delete $variables{$for}; } } } @variables = sort keys %variables; return \@variables; } } sub distributions { my($full_name) = @_; my @distributions; if (opendir(DIR, "$conf->{dir}/dss/distributions")) { my @x = grep { /\.png$/i && -r "$conf->{dir}/dss/distributions/$_" } readdir(DIR); my %x; for (@x) { unless ($full_name) { $_ =~ s/(RCAO-H|RCAO-E|HadRM3p)_(C|A2|B2)_//; $_ =~ s/\.png$//i; } $x{$_} = 1; } @distributions = sort keys %x; closedir DIR; } return \@distributions; } sub store_mapping { my($r,$q,$dbh,$old_mapping,$new_mapping,$network) = @_; for my $var (keys %$new_mapping) { my ($sp_dist, $descr) = ('',''); if ($var eq 'topic' or $var eq 'csite') { $sp_dist = $new_mapping->{$var}; } elsif ($var eq 'descr') { $descr = $new_mapping->{descr}; } else { $sp_dist = $new_mapping->{$var}{sp_dist}; $descr = $new_mapping->{$var}{descr}; } if (exists $old_mapping->{$var}) { sql($r,$ua->{dbh},"update bn_map set sp_dist='$sp_dist',descr='$descr' ". "where network='$network' and varname='$var'"); } else { sql($r,$ua->{dbh},"insert into bn_map (network,varname,sp_dist,descr) ". "values ('$network','$var','$sp_dist','$descr')"); } } } sub mapping { my($r,$dbh,$network) = @_; my $sth = sql($r,$dbh,"select varname,sp_dist,descr from bn_map where network='$network'"); my $mapping = {}; if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($var,$sp_dist,$descr) = $sth->fetchrow_array; if ($var eq 'topic' or $var eq 'csite') { $mapping->{$var} = $sp_dist; } elsif ($var eq 'descr') { $mapping->{$var} = $descr; } else { $mapping->{$var}{sp_dist} = $sp_dist; $mapping->{$var}{descr} = $descr; } }} return $mapping; } sub mappings { my($r,$dbh) = @_; my $sth = sql($r,$dbh,"select network,varname,sp_dist,descr from bn_map"); my $mappings = {}; if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($network,$var,$sp_dist,$descr) = $sth->fetchrow_array; if ($var eq 'topic' or $var eq 'csite') { $mappings->{$network}{$var} = $sp_dist; } elsif ($var eq 'descr') { $mappings->{$network}{$var} = $descr; } else { $mappings->{$network}{$var}{sp_dist} = $sp_dist; $mappings->{$network}{$var}{descr} = $descr; } }} return $mappings; } sub TopicSet { my($r,$q,$dbh,$u) = @_; $r->print(""); my $mappings = mappings($r,$dbh); my $distributions = 0; #distributions(1); my $TopicCode = 0; my %grid; $grid{'RCAO'} = new Geo::Raster filename=>$conf->{dir}.'/dss/grids/RCAO_g.bil',load=>1; $grid{'HadRM3p'} = new Geo::Raster filename=>$conf->{dir}.'/dss/grids/HadRM3p_s_g.bil',load=>1; my $proj = Geo::Proj4->new(proj => 'laea', lon_0 => 10, lat_0 => 52, ellps => 'GRS80', x_0 => 4321000, y_0 => 3210000, units => 'm'); my %rlatlon; my $sql = 'select dsm_location.id,dsm_location.name,dsm_lake.longitude,dsm_lake.latitude ' . 'from dsm_lake, dsm_location where dsm_lake.id=dsm_location.id and dsm_lake.latitude > 0 order by dsm_location.name'; my $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($id,$lake,$lon,$lat) = $sth->fetchrow_array; next unless $lon and $lat; my @xy = $proj->forward($lat,$lon); for my $model (keys %grid) { my ($minX,$minY,$maxX,$maxY) = $grid{$model}->world(); next if $xy[0] < $minX; next if $xy[1] < $minY; next if $xy[0] > $maxX; next if $xy[1] > $maxY; my @ij = $grid{$model}->w2g(@xy); my $r = $grid{$model}->get(@ij); next unless defined $r; my $rlat = int($r/100); my $rlon = $r % 100; $rlat = 0 unless $rlat; $rlon = 0 unless $rlon; # print STDERR "$lake,$model,$r,$rlat,$rlon,@ij\n"; $rlatlon{$lake}{$model}{rlat} = $rlat; $rlatlon{$lake}{$model}{rlon} = $rlon; } } } my %topics; $sql = 'select name,descr from dsm_water_quality_issue'; $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($name,$descr) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $topics{$name} = $descr; } } for my $network (sort keys %$mappings) { $TopicCode++; $r->print(""); my $n = $network; $n =~ s/\.xml$//i; my @n = split /_/,$n; if ($mappings->{$network}{topic}) { $r->print("$mappings->{$network}{topic}"); } else { $r->print("$n[0]"); } $r->print("$n[1]"); $r->print("$mappings->{$network}{descr}") if $mappings->{$network}{descr}; $r->print("$network"); for my $model ('RCAO-E','RCAO-H','HadRM3p') { my $g = $model; $g =~ s/\-.*$//; my $lake = $mappings->{$network}{csite}; $r->print("") unless $lake; next unless $lake; my $m = substr($model,0,1).substr($model,-1,1); my $fn = $m."_".$rlatlon{$lake}{$g}{rlat}."_".$rlatlon{$lake}{$g}{rlon}.".png"; my $file = $conf->{dir}.'/dss/sims/'.$fn; if (-r $file) { $r->print("", "$conf->{URLRoot}$me?SERVICE=file\&\;REQUEST=sims\&\;doc=$fn", ""); } else { $r->print("$file"); } } # $r->print("$conf->{URLRoot}?dss=sims/RE_6065.png"); # $r->print("$conf->{URLRoot}?dss=sims/RH_6065.png"); # $r->print("$conf->{URLRoot}?dss=networks/$network"); $r->print("$conf->{URLRoot}$me?network=$network\&\;cmd=Download+the+model"); my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser; my $doc; eval { $doc = $parser->parsefile($conf->{dir}.'/dss/networks/'.$network); }; if ($@ or !$doc) { $r->print("$network$@"); $r->print(""); next; } my @ClimateScenarios; my $sql = 'select name ' . 'from dsm_cc_scenario order by name'; my $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($scenarioName) = $sth->fetchrow_array; push(@ClimateScenarios,$scenarioName); } } my @ClimateModels; $sql = 'select name ' . 'from dsm_model where system = 4234 order by name'; $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($ModelName) = $sth->fetchrow_array; push(@ClimateModels,$ModelName); } } my @variables = $doc->getElementsByTagName('VARIABLE'); for my $variable (@variables) { my @list = $variable->getChildNodes; for my $n (@list) { my $name = $n->getNodeName; if ($name eq 'NAME') { my $v = $n->getFirstChild()->getNodeValue; $r->print(""); my $vdata = $mappings->{$network}{$v}; my $descr = $vdata->{descr} if $vdata; $r->print("$descr"); my $sp_dist = $vdata->{sp_dist} if $vdata; unless ($sp_dist) { $r->print(""); next; } $r->print("$sp_dist"); my ($prefix); if ($sp_dist =~ /^\w/) { ($prefix) = $sp_dist =~ /^([\d\-a-zA-Z]+_)/; $prefix = '' unless $prefix; $sp_dist =~ s/^([\d\-a-zA-Z]+_)//; } else { $prefix = ''; } $r->print("$sp_dist"); $r->print("$prefix"); my $count = 0; if (0) { # not used any more for my $fn (@$distributions) { # $r->print("$fn"); for my $model (@ClimateModels) { for my $scenario (@ClimateScenarios) { # if ($fn =~ /$sp_dist/) { if ($fn eq $prefix.$model.'_'.$scenario.'_'.$sp_dist.'.png') { $r->print("", "$conf->{URLRoot}?dss=distributions/$fn"); $count++; } } } } $r->print("") unless $count; } $r->print(" "); } } } $doc->dispose; $r->print(""); } $r->print(""); } sub ClimateVarsSet { my($r,$q,$dbh,$u) = @_; $r->print(""); my ($minX,$minY,$maxX,$maxY,$EPSG); my $loc = $q->param('Location'); if ($loc eq 'NEAmerica') { ($minX,$minY,$maxX,$maxY) = (-1644180.228, 4428379.294, 1782695.514, 9997964.943); $EPSG = 2149; } else { my $grid = new Geo::Raster filename=>$conf->{dir}.'/dss/grids/RCAO_g.bil',load=>1; ($minX,$minY,$maxX,$maxY) = $grid->world(); $EPSG = 3035; } xml_element($r,'BoundingBox', {SRS=>'EPSG:'.$EPSG, minx=>$minX,miny=>$minY,maxx=>$maxX,maxy=>$maxY},'/'); my %ext = (1=>'png',2=>'jpg'); my %subdir = (1 => 'distributions', 2 => 'dbv', 3=> 'rdbv'); my @ClimateScenarios; my %scenarioHelp; my $sql = 'select name, descr ' . 'from dsm_cc_scenario order by name'; my $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($name,$descr) = $sth->fetchrow_array; push(@ClimateScenarios,$name); $scenarioHelp{$name} = $descr; } } my @ClimateModels; my %modelsHelp; $sql = 'select name, descr ' . 'from dsm_model where system = 4234 order by name'; $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($name,$descr) = $sth->fetchrow_array; push(@ClimateModels,$name); $modelsHelp{$name} = $descr; } } my @variables; my %min; my %max; my %scale; my %unit; my %variableHelp; my %fname; my %rules; $sql = 'select v.acronym, v.name, v.descr, v.scale, u.name, vc.rule, c.acronym '. 'from dsm_unit u join dsm_variable v on u.id=v.unit '. 'left join dsm_variable_category vc on v.id=vc.var '. 'left join dsm_category c on c.id=vc.cat'; $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($acro,$name,$descr,$scale,$unit,$rule,$cat) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $scale{$acro} = $scale; $fname{$acro} = $name; $unit{$acro} = $unit; $variableHelp{$acro} = $descr; push @{$rules{$acro}},{$rule=>$cat}; } } @variables = sort keys %scale; my @seasons; my %seasonHelp; $sql = 'select name,descr from dsm_season order by number'; $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($name,$descr) = $sth->fetchrow_array; push(@seasons,$name); $seasonHelp{$name} = $descr; } } my %ClimateScenarioID; $r->print(""); my $id = 1; for my $scenario (@ClimateScenarios) { # next if $scenario eq 'C'; # needed! $r->print(""); $ClimateScenarioID{$scenario} = $id; $id++; $r->print("$scenario"); $r->print("$scenarioHelp{$scenario}"); $r->print(""); } $r->print(""); my %ClimateModelID; $r->print(""); $id = 1; for my $model (@ClimateModels) { $r->print(""); $ClimateModelID{$model} = $id; $id++; $r->print("$model"); my $grid = $model =~ /^Had/ ? 'HadRM3p_s' : 'RCAO'; $r->print("$conf->{URLRoot}$me?SERVICE=file\&\;REQUEST=grids\&\;doc=${grid}_g.png"); $r->print("$modelsHelp{$model}"); $r->print(""); } $r->print("\n"); my %SeasonID; $r->print(""); $id = 1; for my $season (@seasons) { $r->print(""); $SeasonID{$season} = $id; $id++; $r->print("$season"); $r->print("$seasonHelp{$season}"); $r->print(""); } $r->print("\n"); my @MapTypes = ("Absolute change", "Relative change"); my %mapTypeHelp; $mapTypeHelp{"Absolute change"} = "The absolute change map represents the change of the selected climate variable in absolute values."; $mapTypeHelp{"Relative change"} = "The relative change map represents the change of the selected climate variable as a percentage."; my %MapTypeID; $r->print(""); $id = 1; for my $mapType (@MapTypes) { $r->print(""); $MapTypeID{$mapType} = $id; $id++; $r->print("$mapType"); $r->print("$mapTypeHelp{$mapType}"); $r->print(""); } $r->print("\n"); my %VariableID; $r->print(""); $id = 1; for my $variable (@variables) { $r->print(""); $VariableID{$variable} = $id; $id++; $r->print("$variable\n"); $r->print("$scale{$variable}\n"); $r->print("$unit{$variable}\n"); $r->print("$fname{$variable}\n"); $r->print("$variableHelp{$variable}\n"); for my $rule (@{$rules{$variable}}) { for my $key (keys %$rule) { my $k = $key; $k =~ s/\/>/g; $r->print("{$key}\">$k\n"); } } $r->print("\n"); } $r->print("\n"); my $URLRoot = $conf->{URLRoot}; for my $variable (@variables) { $r->print(''); for my $scenario (@ClimateScenarios) { for my $model (@ClimateModels) { for my $season (@seasons) { my $fn = $model.'_'.$scenario.'_'.lc($season).'_'.$variable.'.'.$ext{1}; $r->print("", $URLRoot,$me,"?SERVICE=file\&\;REQUEST=",$subdir{2},"\&\;doc=",$fn, ""); } for my $season (@seasons) { my $fn = $model.'_'.$scenario.'_'.lc($season).'_'.$variable.'.'.$ext{1}; $r->print("", $URLRoot,$me,"?SERVICE=file\&\;REQUEST=",$subdir{3},"\&\;doc=",$fn, ""); } } } $r->print(""); } $r->print(""); } sub MapSet { my($r,$q,$dbh,$u) = @_; $r->print(''."\n"); $r->print(''."\n"); $r->print("1"); $r->print("Physical (relief)"); $r->print("No"); $r->print("$conf->{URLRoot}?dss=physical_map.jpg"); $r->print("On this relief map the colors are in following order ", "from lowest to highest: blue, green, yellow, brown, purple."); $r->print(''."\n"); $r->print(''."\n"); $r->print("2"); $r->print("Land cover (CORINE)"); $r->print("Yes"); my $m = $me; $m =~ s/^\///; $r->print("$conf->{URLRoot}$m?map=corine"); $r->print("Land cover map is based on CORINE data."); $r->print(''."\n"); $r->print(''."\n"); $r->print("3"); $r->print("Peatlands and lakes"); $r->print("No"); $r->print("$conf->{URLRoot}?dss=peat_and_lakes.png"); $r->print("The peatlands are marked with brown color. ", "The darker the colour, the more peat there is. ", "Same peat land data is used in DOC modeling. "); $r->print(''."\n"); $r->print(''."\n"); } sub LakeData { my($r,$q,$dbh,$u) = @_; my ($lake_id) = my_param($q,'dbid') =~ /(\d+)/; unless ($lake_id) { xml_element($r,'Error',0,'lake db id missing'); return; } my $name; my $sql = 'select l.id,l.name,s.longitude,s.latitude ' . "from dsm_lake s, dsm_location l where s.id=l.id and s.latitude > 0 and s.id='$lake_id'"; my $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($id,$lake,$lon,$lat) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $name = $lake; }} unless ($name) { xml_element($r,'Error',0,'no such lake'); return; } my $catchment; my $boundary; my $catchments = new Geo::Vector("$conf->{dir}/dss/CORINE/lakes_t"); $catchments->{ogr_layer}->ResetReading(); my $test = $name; $test =~ s/[^a-zA-Z]//g; my $feature; while ($feature = $catchments->{ogr_layer}->GetNextFeature) { my $n = $feature->GetFieldAsString('Name'); $n =~ s/[^a-zA-Z]//g; if ($n eq $test) { $catchment = $feature->GetFID(); my $geom = $feature->GetGeometryRef(); $boundary = $geom->GetBoundary; } } unless (defined $catchment) { xml_element($r,'Error',0,'no catchment for the lake'); return; } my $lc = new Geo::Raster "$conf->{dir}/dss/CORINE/lceugr100_00_pct.tif"; $lc->cache($catchments->world(feature=>$catchment)); unless ($lc->{M} and $lc->{N}) { xml_element($r,'Error',0,'no non-null catchment for the lake'); return; } my $clip = $catchments->rasterize(like=>$lc, feature=>$catchment); $lc *= $clip; # mapping to land cover classes my %map; my %classes = (301=>'Artificial surface', 302=>'Agricultural areas', 303=>'Peat contributing areas', 304=>'Forests', 305=>'Wetlands', 306=>'Inland waters', 307=>'Marine waters'); for my $i (1..11) {$map{$i} = 301} for my $i (12..22) {$map{$i} = 302} for my $i (24..27,29,35,36) {$map{$i} = 303} for my $i (23,28,30..34) {$map{$i} = 304} for my $i (37..39) {$map{$i} = 305} for my $i (40..41) {$map{$i} = 306} for my $i (42..44) {$map{$i} = 307} $lc->map(\%map); my $contents = $lc->contents; my $cell_area = 1; # ha xml_element($r,'LandCover'); xml_element($r,'ForCatchmentOfLake',0,$name); my $sum = 0; for my $v (keys %$contents) { next if $v == 0; my $a = $cell_area*$contents->{$v}; $sum += $cell_area*$contents->{$v}; } for my $v (sort {$contents->{$b}<=>$contents->{$a}} keys %$contents) { next if $v == 0; my $unit = 'ha'; my $p = $cell_area*$contents->{$v}/$sum*100; # my $a = $cell_area*$contents->{$v}; # if ($a > 100) { # $a /= 100; # $unit = 'km2'; # } my $c = $classes{$v}; $c = 'not classified' unless $c; #xml_element($r,'Amount',{LandCoverClass=>$c,Unit=>$unit},$a); xml_element($r,'Amount',{LandCoverClass=>$c,Unit=>'%'},$p); } my $unit = 'ha'; if ($sum > 100) { $sum /= 100; $unit = 'km2'; } xml_element($r,'Total',{Unit=>$unit},$sum); xml_element($r,'/LandCover'); } sub LakeSet { my($r,$q,$dbh,$u) = @_; my $raster = new Geo::Raster filename=>"$conf->{dir}/dss/lc_clip.bil",load=>1; my $catchments = my_param($q,'catchments'); my %catchments; my $layer; if ($catchments eq 'yes') { $catchments = ogr::Open("$conf->{dir}/dss/CORINE/"); $layer = $catchments->GetLayerByName('lakes_t'); $layer->ResetReading(); my $feature; while ($feature = $layer->GetNextFeature) { my $name = $feature->GetFieldAsString('Name'); $name =~ s/[^a-zA-Z]//g; $catchments{$name} = $feature->GetFID(); } } # EPSG 3035: my $proj = Geo::Proj4->new(proj => 'laea', lon_0 => 10, lat_0 => 52, ellps => 'GRS80', x_0 => 4321000, y_0 => 3210000, units => 'm'); my $sql = 'select l.id,l.name,s.longitude,s.latitude ' . 'from dsm_lake s, dsm_location l where s.id=l.id and s.latitude > 0 order by l.name'; my $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); $r->print(''."\n"); my ($minX,$minY,$maxX,$maxY) = $raster->world(); my $sitecode = 1; if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($id,$lake,$lon,$lat) = $sth->fetchrow_array; next unless $lon and $lat; my @xy = $proj->forward($lat,$lon); next if $xy[0] < $minX; next if $xy[1] < $minY; next if $xy[0] > $maxX; next if $xy[1] > $maxY; # my @ij = $raster->w2g(@xy); $r->print("\n"); $r->print("$id\n"); $r->print("$lake\n"); # $r->print("$ij[1]$ij[0]\n"); xml_element($r, 'Location'); xml_element($r, 'X', 0, $xy[0]); xml_element($r, 'Y', 0, $xy[1]); xml_element($r, '/Location'); xml_element($r, 'Catchment'); my $name = $lake; $name =~ s/[^a-zA-Z]//g; if ($layer and $catchments{$name}) { my $f = $layer->GetFeature($catchments{$name}); my $g = $f->GetGeometryRef(); $g = $g->GetGeometryRef(0); for my $i (0..$g->GetPointCount-1) { xml_element($r, 'Point'); xml_element($r, 'X', 0, $g->GetX($i)); xml_element($r, 'Y', 0, $g->GetY($i)); xml_element($r, '/Point'); } } xml_element($r, '/Catchment'); $r->print(''."\n"); $sitecode++; }} $r->print(''."\n"); } sub Arrow { my($r,$q,$dbh,$u) = @_; my $model = $q->param('model'); my $scenario = $q->param('scenario'); my $rlat = $q->param('rlat'); my $rlon = $q->param('rlon'); $model =~ s/[^\w-]//g; $scenario =~ s/\W//g; $rlat =~ s/\W//g; $rlon =~ s/\W//g; $r->print('parameters missing'."\n"), return unless $model and $scenario and $rlat and $rlon; my $gm = $model; $gm =~ s/-\w$//; # $gm .= '_s' if $gm =~ /^H/; my $sql = "select a.from_rlat,a.from_rlon,a.sim,g_from.i,g_from.j,g_to.i,g_to.j ". "from arrows a, grid g_from, grid g_to ". "where a.model='$model' and a.sc='$scenario' and ". "a.to_rlat='$rlat' and a.to_rlon='$rlon' and ". "g_from.model='$gm' and g_from.rlat=a.from_rlat and g_from.rlon=a.from_rlon and ". "g_to.model='$gm' and g_to.rlat='$rlat' and g_to.rlon='$rlon'"; my $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); my $from_rlat = ''; my $from_rlon = ''; my ($from_i,$from_j,$to_i,$to_j) = ('','','',''); my $sim = 0; if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { ($from_rlat,$from_rlon,$sim,$from_i,$from_j,$to_i,$to_j) = $sth->fetchrow_array; } } $r->print(''); $r->print("$sql"); $r->print("$model"); $r->print("$scenario"); $r->print("$rlat"); $r->print("$rlon"); $r->print("$from_rlat"); $r->print("$from_rlon"); $r->print("$from_i"); $r->print("$from_j"); $r->print("$to_i"); $r->print("$to_j"); $r->print("$sim"); $r->print(''."\n"); } sub Climate { my($r,$q,$dbh,$u) = @_; my $model = $q->param('model'); my $season = $q->param('season'); my $rlat = $q->param('rlat'); my $rlon = $q->param('rlon'); $model =~ s/[^\w-]//g; $season =~ s/\W//g; $rlat =~ s/\W//g; $rlon =~ s/\W//g; $r->print('parameters missing'."\n"), return unless $model and $season and $rlat and $rlon; my $sql = "select sc,var,v from climate ". "where model='$model' and season='".lc($season)."' and rlat='$rlat' and rlon='$rlon' ". "order by sc,var"; # $r->print($sql); my $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); $r->print(''); $r->print(" $model "); $r->print(" $season "); $r->print(" $rlat "); $r->print(" $rlon "); # $r->print(""); my $sc0 = ''; if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($sc,$var,$v) = $sth->fetchrow_array; if ($sc ne $sc0) { if ($sc0) { $r->print("no data") if $model eq 'HadRM3p'; $r->print(''); } $r->print(""); $sc0 = $sc; } $r->print(" $v"); } $r->print("no data") if $model eq 'HadRM3p'; $r->print('') if $sth->rows; } $r->print(''); } sub Patterns { my($r,$q,$dbh,$u) = @_; my $model = $q->param('model'); my $season = $q->param('season'); my $rlat = $q->param('rlat'); my $rlon = $q->param('rlon'); $model =~ s/[^\w-]//g; $season =~ s/\W//g; $rlat =~ s/\W//g; $rlon =~ s/\W//g; $r->print('parameters missing'."\n"), return unless $model and $season and $rlat and $rlon; my $sql = "select sc,cat,n from patterns ". "where model='$model' and season='".lc($season)."' and rlat='$rlat' and rlon='$rlon' "; my %data; my %cats; my $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); my @all_variables = ('precip','runoff','snow','soilw','t2m','w10m'); my @variables = ('precip','snow','t2m','w10m'); if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($sc,$cat,$n) = $sth->fetchrow_array; my %pat; my @cats = split /,/,$cat; for my $j (0..$#all_variables) { my $c = $cats[$j]; $pat{$all_variables[$j]} = $c; } @cats = (); for my $j (0..$#variables) { push @cats,$pat{$variables[$j]}; } $cat = join(',',@cats); $data{$cat}{$sc} += $n; $cats{$cat} = 0 unless defined $data{$cat}; $cats{$cat} += $n; } } my @patterns = sort {$cats{$b} <=> $cats{$a}} keys %cats; @patterns = @patterns[0..3]; $r->print(''); #$r->print(" $sql "); $r->print(" $model "); $r->print(" $season "); $r->print(" $rlat "); $r->print(" $rlon "); my @scenarios = ('C','A2','B2'); my $i = 1; for my $pattern (@patterns) { $r->print(""); my @cats = split /,/,$pattern; for my $j (0..$#variables) { my $c = $cats[$j]; $c = 'yes' if $c eq 'snow'; $c = 'no' if $c eq 'no_snow'; $c = 'no data' if $variables[$j] eq 'snow' and $model eq 'HadRM3p'; $r->print("<$variables[$j]>$c"); } for my $scenario (@scenarios) { my $p = $data{$pattern}{$scenario}; $p = 0 unless defined $p; $p = sprintf("%.0f",$p/90*100) . '%'; $r->print("<$scenario>$p"); } $i++; $r->print(""); } $r->print(''."\n"); } sub ClimateTimeseries { my($r,$q,$dbh,$u) = @_; my $model = $q->param('model'); my $variable = $q->param('variable'); my $scenario = $q->param('scenario'); my $rlat = $q->param('rlat'); my $rlon = $q->param('rlon'); $model =~ s/[^\w-]//g; $variable =~ s/[^\w\s-]//g; $scenario =~ s/[^\w-]//g; $rlat =~ s/\W//g; $rlon =~ s/\W//g; $r->print('parameters missing'."\n"), return unless $model and $variable and $rlat and $rlon; my $sql = 'select name,number from dsm_season order by number'; my $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); my %seasons; if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($name,$number) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $seasons{$number-1} = $name; }} $r->print("$variable"); my $x = get_timeseries($r,$dbh,'seasonal',$model,$variable,'C','annual',$rlat,$rlon); xml_scenario_timeseries($r,$x,'C',\%seasons); if ($scenario) { $x = get_timeseries($r,$dbh,'seasonal',$model,$variable,$scenario,'annual',$rlat,$rlon); xml_scenario_timeseries($r,$x,$scenario,\%seasons); } $r->print(""); } sub xml_scenario_timeseries { my($r,$x,$scenario,$seasons) = @_; unless (ref($x)) { $r->print("$x: $scenario"); return; } $r->print("$scenario"); my %min; my %max; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$x; $i++) { my $season = $seasons->{$i%4}; $min{$season} = $x->[$i] if !defined $min{$season} or $min{$season} > $x->[$i]; $max{$season} = $x->[$i] if !defined $max{$season} or $max{$season} < $x->[$i]; } for my $season (keys %min) { $r->print("$season$min{$season}$max{$season}"); } $r->print(""); } sub Distribution { my($r,$q,$dbh,$u) = @_; my $network = $q->param('network'); my $model = $q->param('model'); my $variable = $q->param('variable'); my $scenario = $q->param('scenario'); my $rlat = $q->param('rlat'); my $rlon = $q->param('rlon'); $network =~ s/[^\w\.-]//g; $model =~ s/[^\w-]//g; $variable =~ s/[^\w\s-]//g; $scenario =~ s/[^\w-]//g; $rlat =~ s/\W//g; $rlon =~ s/\W//g; $r->print('parameters missing'."\n"), return unless $network and $model and $variable and $rlat and $rlon; my @outcomes; my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser; my $doc; eval { $doc = $parser->parsefile($conf->{dir}.'/dss/networks/'.$network); }; if ($@ or !$doc) { $r->print("There was an error in parsing $network: $@"); return; } else { my %variables; my @variables = $doc->getElementsByTagName('VARIABLE'); for my $node (@variables) { my @name_node = $node->getElementsByTagName('NAME'); next unless @name_node; my $name = $name_node[0]->getFirstChild()->getNodeValue; my $test_name = $name; $test_name =~ s/[^\w\s-]//g; next unless $test_name eq $variable; my @list = $node->getElementsByTagName('OUTCOME'); for my $o (@list) { push @outcomes, $o->getFirstChild()->getNodeValue; } } } $r->print("Variable $variable was not found in $network or it does not have outcome nodes.\n"), return unless @outcomes; my $sql = 'select name,number from dsm_season order by number'; my $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); my %seasons; if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($name,$number) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $seasons{$name} = $number; }} $sql = 'select v.name,v.acronym,u.name from dsm_variable v, dsm_unit u where v.unit=u.id'; $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); my %variables; my %units; if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($name,$acronym,$unit) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $variables{$name} = $acronym; $units{$acronym} = $unit; }} my ($var,$season,$comp_model) = parse_variable($variable,\%seasons,\%variables); $r->print('could not parse variable$variable'."\n"), return unless $var and $season; my $unit = $units{$var}; my $percentage = 0; my @bins; for my $o (@outcomes) { $o =~ s/\.\.\./ /; my @n = $o =~ /([+-]?\d+\.\d+|[+-]?\d+\.|[+-]?\.\d+|[+-]?\d+)/g; $r->print("Cannot parse outcome $o.\n"), return unless @n == 2; if ($o =~ /\%/) { $percentage = 1; for (@n) { $_ /= 100; } } elsif ($unit eq 'mm/season' and $o =~ /cm\/season/) { for (@n) { $_ *= 10; } } push @bins,@n; } my $type = $season eq 'annual' ? 'annual' : 'seasonal'; my $x; if ($comp_model =~ /^deviation/) { my $ctl = get_timeseries($r,$dbh,$type,$model,$var,'C',$season,$rlat,$rlon); $r->print("no data\n"), return unless ref $ctl and @$ctl; $x = get_timeseries($r,$dbh,$type,$model,$var,$scenario,$season,$rlat,$rlon); $r->print("no data\n"), return unless ref $x; my $average; for (@$ctl) { $average += $_; } $average /= @$ctl; $r->print("couldn't compute deviation since average is zero\n"), return unless $average; for my $i (0..$#$x) { if ($percentage) { $x->[$i] = ($x->[$i]/$average)-1; } else { $x->[$i] = $x->[$i] - $average; } } } else { $x = get_timeseries($r,$dbh,$type,$model,$var,$scenario,$season,$rlat,$rlon); $r->print("no data in $x\n"), return unless ref $x; } print STDERR "@bins\n@$x\n"; my $n = comp_distribution($x,@bins); $r->print(''); $r->print("$variable"); $r->print("$network"); $r->print("$model"); $r->print("$var"); $r->print("$unit"); $r->print("$season"); $r->print("$comp_model"); $r->print("$scenario"); $r->print("$rlat"); $r->print("$rlon"); $r->print("",int($#bins/2)+1,""); my $index = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < $#bins; $i += 2) { $r->print("$index$bins[$i]",$bins[$i+1],"$n->[$i]"); $index++; } $r->print(''); } sub parse_variable { my($variable, $seasons, $variables) = @_; my $var = ''; for my $name (keys %$variables) { $var = $variables->{$name} if $variable =~ /$variables->{$name}/i; } unless ($var) { for my $name (keys %$variables) { $var = $variables->{$name} if $variable =~ /$name/i; } } my $season = ''; for my $name (keys %$seasons) { $season = $seasons->{$name} if $variable =~ /$name/i; } $season = 'annual' unless $season; my $comp_model = ''; $comp_model = 'deviation from average in control' if $variable =~ /deviation/i; return ($var,$season,$comp_model); } sub comp_distribution { my ($X, @bins) = @_; # bins = min,max,min,max my @n; for my $x (@$X) { for (my $i = 0; $i < $#bins; $i += 2) { $n[$i]++ if $x >= $bins[$i] and $x < $bins[$i+1]; } } for (@n) { $_ = 0 unless defined $_; $_ /= @$X; } return \@n; } sub get_timeseries { my ($r,$dbh,$type,$model,$variable,$scenario,$season,$rlat,$rlon) = @_; if ($variable =~ /^frost/) { my $sql = "select v from climate where var='$variable' and model='$model' and sc='$scenario' and rlat='$rlat' and rlon='$rlon'"; my $sth = sql($r,$dbh,$sql); my @v; if ($sth) { for (1..$sth->rows) { my ($v) = $sth->fetchrow_array; push @v,$v; }} return \@v; } my $fn = $conf->{dir}.'/dss/climate_data/'.$type.'.'.file($model,$variable,$scenario).'.nc'; my $ncobj; eval { $ncobj = PDL::NetCDF->new ($fn); }; return $fn unless $ncobj; my $varlist = $ncobj->getdimensionnames($variable); # mokasin 1. kerralla netcdf:ien teon $varlist = $ncobj->getdimensionnames('precip') unless @$varlist; my @p1; my @p2; for my $v (@$varlist) { if ($v eq 'time') { push @p1,0; push @p2,$ncobj->dimsize($v); } elsif ($v eq 'rlat') { push @p1,$rlat; push @p2,1; } elsif ($v eq 'rlon') { push @p1,$rlon; push @p2,1; } elsif ($v eq 'height') { push @p1,0; push @p2,1; } } my $slice; eval { $slice = $ncobj->get ($variable, \@p1, \@p2); }; if ($@) { $@ = ''; eval { $slice = $ncobj->get ('precip', \@p1, \@p2); }; } return "$fn: $variable" if ($@); my @x = list $slice; return \@x if $season eq 'annual'; my @y; for (my $i = $season-1; $i <= $#x; $i += 4) { push @y,$x[$i]; } return \@y; } sub file { my ($model,$variable,$scenario) = @_; my $d = dir($model,$variable,$scenario); if ($model=~/^RCAO/) { return "$variable.SMHI.$d"; } else { my $y = $scenario eq 'C' ? '1960-1990' : '2070-2100'; return "$variable.HC.$d.$y"; } } sub dir { my ($model,$variable,$scenario) = @_; return 'HCCTL' if $model =~ /^RCAO-H/ and $scenario =~ /^C/; return 'HCA2' if $model =~ /^RCAO-H/ and $scenario =~ /^A2/; return 'HCB2' if $model =~ /^RCAO-H/ and $scenario =~ /^B2/; return 'MPICTL' if $model =~ /^RCAO-E/ and $scenario =~ /^C/; return 'MPIA2' if $model =~ /^RCAO-E/ and $scenario =~ /^A2/; return 'MPIB2' if $model =~ /^RCAO-E/ and $scenario =~ /^B2/; return 'adeha' if $model =~ /^Had/ and $scenario =~ /^C/; return 'adhfa' if $model =~ /^Had/ and $scenario =~ /^A2/; return 'adhfd' if $model =~ /^Had/ and $scenario =~ /^B2/; die "$model,$variable,$scenario"; }