This is the complete list of members for Geo::GDAL::GCP, including all inherited members.
AccessTypes() | Geo::GDAL | |
AutoCreateWarpedVRT(Geo::GDAL::Dataset src, Geo::OSR::SpatialReference src_srs=undef, Geo::OSR::SpatialReference dst_srs=undef, scalar ResampleAlg='NearestNeighbour', scalar maxerror=0.0) | Geo::GDAL | |
Child(scalar node, scalar i) | Geo::GDAL | |
Children(scalar node) | Geo::GDAL | |
Column | Geo::GDAL::GCP | |
ComputeMedianCutPCT(Geo::GDAL::Band red, Geo::GDAL::Band green, Geo::GDAL::Band blue, scalar num_colors, scalar colors, subref progress, scalar progress_data) | Geo::GDAL | |
ComputeProximity(Geo::GDAL::Band src, Geo::GDAL::Band proximity, hashref options, subref progress, scalar progress_data) | Geo::GDAL | |
CPLBinaryToHex() | Geo::GDAL | |
CPLHexToBinary() | Geo::GDAL | |
DataTypeIsComplex(scalar DataType) | Geo::GDAL | |
DataTypes() | Geo::GDAL | |
DataTypeValueRange(scalar DataType) | Geo::GDAL | |
Debug() | Geo::GDAL | |
DecToDMS(scalar angle, scalar axis, scalar precision=2) | Geo::GDAL | |
DecToPackedDMS(scalar dec) | Geo::GDAL | |
DitherRGB2PCT(scalar red, scalar green, scalar blue, scalar target, scalar colors, subref progress, scalar progress_data) | Geo::GDAL | |
EscapeString() | Geo::GDAL | |
FinderClean() | Geo::GDAL | |
FindFile(scalar class, scalar basename) | Geo::GDAL | |
GetCacheMax() | Geo::GDAL | |
GetCacheUsed() | Geo::GDAL | |
GetConfigOption(scalar key, scalar default) | Geo::GDAL | |
GetDataTypeSize(scalar DataType) | Geo::GDAL | |
GetDriver(scalar name) | Geo::GDAL | |
GetDriverNames() | Geo::GDAL | |
GetJPEG2000StructureAsString() | Geo::GDAL | |
GOA2GetAccessToken() | Geo::GDAL | |
GOA2GetAuthorizationURL() | Geo::GDAL | |
GOA2GetRefreshToken() | Geo::GDAL | |
Id | Geo::GDAL::GCP | |
IdentifyDriver(scalar path, scalar siblings) | Geo::GDAL | |
Info | Geo::GDAL::GCP | |
new(scalar x=0.0, scalar y=0.0, scalar z=0.0, scalar column=0.0, scalar row=0.0, scalar info="", scalar id="") | Geo::GDAL::GCP | |
NodeData(scalar node) | Geo::GDAL | |
NodeType(scalar type) | Geo::GDAL | |
NodeTypes() | Geo::GDAL | |
Open(scalar name, scalar access= 'ReadOnly') | Geo::GDAL | |
OpenEx(scalar name, scalar open_flags=0, array reference allowed_drivers=undef, array reference open_options=undef, array reference sibling_files=undef) | Geo::GDAL | |
OpenShared(scalar name, scalar access= 'ReadOnly') | Geo::GDAL | |
PackCharacter(scalar DataType) | Geo::GDAL | |
PackedDMSToDec(scalar packed) | Geo::GDAL | |
ParseXMLString(scalar XML) | Geo::GDAL | |
Polygonize(Geo::GDAL::Band src, Geo::GDAL::Band mask, Geo::OGR::Layer out, scalar PixValField, hashref options, subref progress, scalar progress_data) | Geo::GDAL | |
PopFinderLocation() | Geo::GDAL | |
PushFinderLocation(scalar path) | Geo::GDAL | |
RasterizeLayer(Geo::GDAL::Dataset ds, arrayref bands, Geo::OGR::Layer layer, scalar transformer, scalar arg, arrayref burn_values, hashref options, subref progress, scalar progress_data) | Geo::GDAL | |
ReprojectImage(scalar src_ds, scalar dst_ds, scalar src_wkt=undef, scalar dst_wkt=undef, scalar ResampleAlg='NearestNeighbour', scalar WarpMemoryLimit=0, scalar maxerror=0.0, subref progress, scalar progress_data) | Geo::GDAL | |
ResamplingTypes() | Geo::GDAL | |
RIOResamplingTypes() | Geo::GDAL | |
Row | Geo::GDAL::GCP | |
SerializeXMLTree(arrayref XMLTree) | Geo::GDAL | |
SetCacheMax(scalar Bytes) | Geo::GDAL | |
SetConfigOption(scalar key, scalar value) | Geo::GDAL | |
SieveFilter(Geo::GDAL::Band src, Geo::GDAL::Band mask, Geo::GDAL::Band dst, scalar threshold, scalar connectedness, hashref options, subref progress, scalar progress_data) | Geo::GDAL | |
VersionInfo(scalar request= 'VERSION_NUM') | Geo::GDAL | |
X | Geo::GDAL::GCP | |
Y | Geo::GDAL::GCP | |
Z | Geo::GDAL::GCP |