Geo::GDAL  2.1
Geo::GDAL::Dataset Class Reference

A set of associated raster bands or vector layer source. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for Geo::GDAL::Dataset:
+ Collaboration diagram for Geo::GDAL::Dataset:

Public Member Functions

public method AddBand (scalar datatype= 'Byte', hashref options={})
public Geo::GDAL::Band Band (scalar index)
public list Bands ()
public method BuildOverviews (scalar resampling, arrayref overviews, coderef progress, scalar progress_data)
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset BuildVRT (scalar Dest, arrayref Sources, scalar Options, coderef progress, scalar progress_data)
public method CommitTransaction ()
public Geo::GDAL::ColorTable ComputeColorTable (hash params)
public Geo::OGR::Layer CopyLayer (scalar layer, scalar name, hashref options=undef)
public Geo::OGR::Layer CreateLayer (hash params)
 Create a new vector layer into this dataset. More...
public method CreateMaskBand ()
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset DEMProcessing (scalar Dest, scalar Processing, scalar ColorFilename, scalar Options, coderef progress, scalar progress_data)
public method Dataset ()
public method DeleteLayer (scalar name)
public Geo::GDAL::Band Dither (hash params)
public method Domains ()
public Geo::OGR::Layer ExecuteSQL (scalar statement, scalar geom=undef, scalar dialect="")
public method Extent ()
public list GCPs (array GCPs, Geo::OSR::SpatialReference sr)
public Geo::GDAL::GeoTransform GeoTransform (Geo::GDAL::GeoTransform scalar geo_transform)
public Geo::GDAL::Driver GetDriver ()
public list GetFileList ()
public scalar GetGCPProjection ()
public Geo::OGR::Layer GetLayer (scalar name)
public list GetLayerNames ()
public method GetStyleTable ()
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Grid (scalar Dest, scalar Options)
public scalar Info (scalar Options)
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Nearblack (scalar Dest, scalar Options, coderef progress, scalar progress_data)
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Open ()
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset OpenShared ()
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Rasterize (scalar Dest, scalar Options, coderef progress, scalar progress_data)
public scalar ReadRaster (hash params)
public method ReadTile ()
public method ReleaseResultSet (scalar layer)
public method RollbackTransaction ()
public method SetStyleTable ()
public list Size ()
public Geo::OSR::SpatialReference SpatialReference (Geo::OSR::SpatialReference sr)
public method StartTransaction ()
public method TestCapability ()
public method Tile ()
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Translate (scalar Dest, scalar Options, coderef progress, scalar progress_data)
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Warp (scalar Dest, scalar Options, coderef progress, scalar progress_data)
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Warped (hash params)
public method WriteRaster (hash params)
public method WriteTile ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Geo::GDAL::MajorObject
public scalar Description (scalar description)
public method Domains ()
public scalar GetDescription ()
public hash reference GetMetadata (scalar domain="")
public method GetMetadataDomainList ()
public hash reference Metadata (hashref metadata=undef, scalar domain= '')
public method SetDescription (scalar NewDesc)
public method SetMetadata (hashref metadata, scalar domain="")
- Public Member Functions inherited from Geo::GDAL
public method BuildVRT ()
public method CPLBinaryToHex ()
public method CPLHexToBinary ()
public method CreatePansharpenedVRT ()
public scalar DataTypeIsComplex (scalar DataType)
public list DataTypeValueRange (scalar DataType)
public list DataTypes ()
public scalar DecToDMS (scalar angle, scalar axis, scalar precision=2)
public scalar DecToPackedDMS (scalar dec)
public method DontUseExceptions ()
public Geo::GDAL::Driver Driver (scalar Name)
public list DriverNames ()
public list Drivers ()
public method EscapeString ()
public scalar FindFile (scalar basename)
public method FinderClean ()
public method GOA2GetAccessToken ()
public method GOA2GetAuthorizationURL ()
public method GOA2GetRefreshToken ()
public scalar GetCacheMax ()
public scalar GetCacheUsed ()
public scalar GetConfigOption (scalar key)
public scalar GetDataTypeSize (scalar DataType)
public method GetJPEG2000StructureAsString ()
public Geo::GDAL::Driver IdentifyDriver (scalar path, scalar siblings)
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Open (hash params)
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset OpenEx (hash params)
public list OpenFlags ()
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset OpenShared (scalar name, scalar access= 'ReadOnly')
public scalar PackCharacter (scalar DataType)
public scalar PackedDMSToDec (scalar packed)
public method PopFinderLocation ()
public method PushFinderLocation (scalar path)
public list RIOResamplingTypes ()
public list ResamplingTypes ()
public method SetCacheMax (scalar Bytes)
public method SetConfigOption (scalar key, scalar value)
public method UseExceptions ()
public method VSIFOpenExL ()
public method VSIGetLastErrorMsg ()
public method VSIGetLastErrorNo ()
public scalar VersionInfo (scalar request= 'VERSION_NUM')
public scalar errstr ()

Public Attributes

scalar RasterCount
 scalar (access as $dataset->{RasterCount})
scalar RasterXSize
 scalar (access as $dataset->{RasterXSize})
scalar RasterYSize
 scalar (access as $dataset->{RasterYSize})

Detailed Description

A set of associated raster bands or vector layer source.

Definition at line 2910 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Dataset ( )
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Member Function Documentation

public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::AddBand ( scalar  datatype = 'Byte',
hashref  options = {} 

Object method. Add a new band to the dataset. The driver must support the action.

datatypeGDAL raster cell data type (one of those listed by Geo::GDAL::DataTypes).
optionsreference to a hash of format specific options.
The added band.
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public Geo::GDAL::Band Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Band ( scalar  index)

Object method. Create a band object for the band within the dataset.

a.k.a. GetRasterBand
a new Geo::GDAL::Band object
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public list Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Bands ( )

Object method.

a list of new Geo::GDAL::Band objects
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::BuildOverviews ( scalar  resampling,
arrayref  overviews,
coderef  progress,
scalar  progress_data 

Object method.

resamplingthe resampling method, one of Geo::GDAL::RIOResamplingTypes.
overviewsThe list of overview decimation factors to build. For example [2,4,8].
progress[optional] a reference to a subroutine, which will be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, progress_data)
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public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Geo::GDAL::Dataset::BuildVRT ( scalar  Dest,
arrayref  Sources,
scalar  Options,
coderef  progress,
scalar  progress_data 

Object method. Build a virtual dataset from a set of datasets.

DestDestination raster dataset definition string (typically filename), or an object, which implements write and close.
SourcesA list of filenames of input datasets or a list of dataset objects.
OptionsA reference to a hash or list of options. For a hash the keys are without the prefix '-' and the values must be strings. For example give { r => 'cubic' } to select a resampling algorithm. For a list the options are given as for the command line utility. See gdalbuildvrt for a complete list of options.
Dataset object
This subroutine is imported into the main namespace if Geo::GDAL is use'd with qw/:all/.
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::CommitTransaction ( )
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public Geo::GDAL::ColorTable Geo::GDAL::Dataset::ComputeColorTable ( hash  params)

Object method. Compute a color table from an RGB image

paramsNamed parameters:
  • Red The red band, the default is to use the red band of this dataset.
  • Green The green band, the default is to use the green band of this dataset.
  • Blue The blue band, the default is to use the blue band of this dataset.
  • NumColors The number of colors in the computed color table. Default is 256.
  • Progress reference to a progress function (default is undef)
  • ProgressData (default is undef)
  • Method The computation method. The default and currently only option is the median cut algorithm.
a new color table object.
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public Geo::OGR::Layer Geo::GDAL::Dataset::CopyLayer ( scalar  layer,
scalar  name,
hashref  options = undef 

Object method.

layerA Geo::OGR::Layer object to be copied.
nameA name for the new layer.
optionsA ref to a hash of format specific options.
a new Geo::OGR::Layer object.
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public Geo::OGR::Layer Geo::GDAL::Dataset::CreateLayer ( hash  params)

Create a new vector layer into this dataset.

Object method.

%paramsNamed parameters:
  • Name (scalar) name for the new layer.
  • Fields (array reference) a list of (scalar and geometry) field definitions as in Geo::OGR::Layer::CreateField.
  • ApproxOK (boolean value, default is true) a flag, which is forwarded to Geo::OGR::Layer::CreateField.
  • Options (hash reference) driver specific hash of layer creation options.
  • Schema (hash reference, deprecated, use Fields and Name) may contain keys Name, Fields, GeomFields, GeometryType.
  • SRS (scalar, deprecated) the spatial reference for the default geometry field.
  • GeometryType (scalar) the type of the default geometry field (if only one geometry field). Default is 'Unknown'.
If Fields or Schema|Fields is not given, a default geometry field (Name => '', GeometryType => 'Unknown') is created. If it is given and it contains spatial fields, GeometryType is ignored. The type can be also set with the named parameter.


my $roads = Geo::OGR::Driver('Memory')->Create('road')->
. Fields => [ { Name => 'class',
. Type => 'Integer' },
. { Name => 'geom',
. Type => 'LineString25D' } ] );
Many formats allow only one spatial field, which currently requires the use of GeometryType.
a new Geo::OGR::Layer object.
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::CreateMaskBand ( )

Object method. Add a mask band to the dataset.

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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::DeleteLayer ( scalar  name)

Object method. Deletes a layer from the data source. Note that if there is a layer object for the deleted layer, it becomes unusable.

namename of the layer to delete.
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public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Geo::GDAL::Dataset::DEMProcessing ( scalar  Dest,
scalar  Processing,
scalar  ColorFilename,
scalar  Options,
coderef  progress,
scalar  progress_data 

Object method. Apply a DEM processing to this dataset.

DestDestination raster dataset definition string (typically filename) or an object, which implements write and close.
ProcessingProcessing to apply, one of "hillshade", "slope", "aspect", "color-relief", "TRI", "TPI", or "Roughness".
ColorFilenameThe color palette for color-relief.
OptionsA reference to a hash or list of options. For a hash the keys are without the prefix '-'. For example give { of => 'PNG' } to set the output format. For a list the options are given as for the command line utility. See gdaldem for all options.
progress[optional] A reference to a subroutine, which will be called with parameters (number progress, string msg, progress_data).
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public Geo::GDAL::Band Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Dither ( hash  params)

Object method. Compute one band with color table image from an RGB image params Named parameters:

  • Red The red band, the default is to use the red band of this dataset.
  • Green The green band, the default is to use the green band of this dataset.
  • Blue The blue band, the default is to use the blue band of this dataset.
  • Dest The destination band. If this is not defined, a new in-memory band (and a dataset) will be created.
  • ColorTable The color table for the result. If this is not defined, and the destination band does not contain one, it will be computed with the ComputeColorTable method.
  • Progress Reference to a progress function (default is undef). Note that if ColorTable is computed using ComputeColorTable method, the progress will run twice from 0 to 1.
  • ProgressData (default is undef)
the destination band.

Usage example. This code converts an RGB JPEG image into a one band PNG image with a color table.

my $d = Geo::GDAL::Open('pic.jpg');
Geo::GDAL::Driver('PNG')->Copy(Name => 'test.png', Src => $d->Dither->Dataset);
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Domains ( )
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public Geo::OGR::Layer Geo::GDAL::Dataset::ExecuteSQL ( scalar  statement,
scalar  geom = undef,
scalar  dialect = "" 

Object method.

statementA SQL statement.
geomA Geo::OGR::Geometry object.
a new Geo::OGR::Layer object. The data source object will exist as long as the layer object exists.
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Extent ( )
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public list Geo::GDAL::Dataset::GCPs ( array  GCPs,
Geo::OSR::SpatialReference  sr 

Object method. Get or set the GCPs and their projection.

GCPs[optional] a list of Geo::GDAL::GCP objects
sr[optional] the projection of the GCPs.
a list of Geo::GDAL::GCP objects followed by a Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object.
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Object method. Transformation from cell coordinates (column,row) to projection coordinates (x,y)

x = geo_transform[0] + column*geo_transform[1] + row*geo_transform[2]
y = geo_transform[3] + column*geo_transform[4] + row*geo_transform[5]
the geo transform in a non-void context.
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public Geo::GDAL::Driver Geo::GDAL::Dataset::GetDriver ( )

Object method.

a Geo::GDAL::Driver object that was used to open or create this dataset.
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public list Geo::GDAL::Dataset::GetFileList ( )

Object method.

list of files GDAL believes to be part of this dataset.
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public scalar Geo::GDAL::Dataset::GetGCPProjection ( )

Object method.

projection string.
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public Geo::OGR::Layer Geo::GDAL::Dataset::GetLayer ( scalar  name)

Object method.

namethe name of the requested layer. If not given, then returns the first layer in the data source.
a new Geo::OGR::Layer object that represents the layer in the data source.
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public list Geo::GDAL::Dataset::GetLayerNames ( )

Object method.

Delivers the functionality of undocumented method GetLayerCount.
a list of the names of the layers this data source provides.
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::GetStyleTable ( )
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public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Grid ( scalar  Dest,
scalar  Options 

Object method. Creates a regular raster grid from this data source. This is equivalent to the gdal_grid utility.

DestDestination raster dataset definition string (typically filename) or an object, which implements write and close.
OptionsA reference to a hash or list of options. For a hash the keys are without the prefix '-'. For example give { of => 'PNG' } to set the output format. You must specify at least layer name (key = l) or SQL to create a layer (key = sql). For a list the options are given as for the command line utility. See gdal_grid for a complete list of options.
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public scalar Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Info ( scalar  Options)

Object method. Information about this dataset.

OptionsA reference to a hash or list of options. For a hash the keys are without the prefix '-'. For example give { JSON => 1 } to set the output format to JSON. For a list the options are given as for the command line utility. See gdalinfo for all options.
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public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Nearblack ( scalar  Dest,
scalar  Options,
coderef  progress,
scalar  progress_data 

Object method. Convert nearly black/white pixels to black/white.

DestDestination raster dataset definition string (typically filename), destination dataset to which to add an alpha or mask band, or an object, which implements write and close.
OptionsA reference to a hash or list of options. For a hash the keys are without the prefix '-'. For example give { of => 'PNG' } to set the output format. For a list the options are given as for the command line utility. See nearblack for all options.
Dataset if destination dataset definition string was given, otherwise a boolean for success/fail but the method croaks if there was an error.
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public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Open ( )

Package subroutine. The same as Geo::GDAL::Open

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public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Geo::GDAL::Dataset::OpenShared ( )

Package subroutine. The same as Geo::GDAL::OpenShared

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public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Rasterize ( scalar  Dest,
scalar  Options,
coderef  progress,
scalar  progress_data 

Object method. Render data from this data source into a raster.

DestDestination raster dataset definition string (typically filename), destination dataset, or an object, which implements write and close.
OptionsA reference to a hash or list of options. For a hash the keys are without the prefix '-' and the values must be strings. For example give { of => 'PNG' } to set the output format. You must specify at least layer name (key = l) or SQL to create a layer (key = sql). To create a new raster, you need to specify either target resolution (tr => xres,yres) or target file size (ts => width,height). For a list the options are given as for the command line utility.See gdal_rasterize for a complete list of options.
Dataset if destination dataset definition string was given, otherwise a boolean for success/fail but the method croaks if there was an error.
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public scalar Geo::GDAL::Dataset::ReadRaster ( hash  params)

Object method. Read data from the dataset.

paramsNamed parameters:
  • XOff x offset (cell coordinates) (default is 0)
  • YOff y offset (cell coordinates) (default is 0)
  • XSize width of the area to read (default is the width of the dataset)
  • YSize height of the area to read (default is the height of the dataset)
  • BufXSize (default is undef, i.e., the same as XSize)
  • BufYSize (default is undef, i.e., the same as YSize)
  • BufType data type of the buffer (default is the data type of the first band)
  • BandList a reference to an array of band indices (default is [1])
  • BufPixelSpace (default is 0)
  • BufLineSpace (default is 0)
  • BufBandSpace (default is 0)
  • ResampleAlg one of Geo::GDAL::RIOResamplingTypes (default is 'NearestNeighbour'),
  • Progress reference to a progress function (default is undef)
  • ProgressData (default is undef)

Entry in GDAL docs (method RasterIO)

a buffer, open the buffer with unpack function of Perl. See Geo::GDAL::Band::PackCharacter.
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::ReadTile ( )
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::ReleaseResultSet ( scalar  layer)

Object method.

layerA layer the has been created with ExecuteSQL.
There is no need to call this method. The result set layer is released in the destructor of the layer that was created with SQL.
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::RollbackTransaction ( )
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::SetStyleTable ( )
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public list Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Size ( )

Object method.

(width, height)
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public Geo::OSR::SpatialReference Geo::GDAL::Dataset::SpatialReference ( Geo::OSR::SpatialReference  sr)

Object method. Get or set the projection of this dataset.

sr[optional] a Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object, which replaces the existing projection definition of this dataset.
a Geo::OSR::SpatialReference object, which represents the projection of this dataset.
Methods GetProjection, SetProjection, and Projection return WKT strings.
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::StartTransaction ( )
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::TestCapability ( )
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Tile ( )
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public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Translate ( scalar  Dest,
scalar  Options,
coderef  progress,
scalar  progress_data 

Object method. Convert this dataset into another format.

DestDestination dataset definition string (typically filename) or an object, which implements write and close.
OptionsA reference to a hash or list of options. For a hash the keys are without the prefix '-'. For example give { of => 'PNG' } to set the output format. For a list the options are given as for the command line utility. See gdal_translate and ogr2ogr for all options.
New dataset object if destination dataset definition string was given, otherwise a boolean for success/fail but the method croaks if there was an error.
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public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Warp ( scalar  Dest,
scalar  Options,
coderef  progress,
scalar  progress_data 

Object method. Reproject this dataset.

DestDestination raster dataset definition string (typically filename) or an object, which implements write and close.
OptionsA reference to a hash or list of options. For a hash the keys are without the prefix '-'. For example give { of => 'PNG' } to set the output format. For a list the options are given as for the command line utility. See gdalwarp for all options.
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public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Geo::GDAL::Dataset::Warped ( hash  params)

Object method. Create a virtual warped dataset from this dataset.

paramsNamed parameters:
  • SrcSRS Override the spatial reference system of this dataset if there is one (default is undef).
  • DstSRS The target spatial reference system of the result (default is undef).
  • ResampleAlg The resampling algorithm (default is 'NearestNeighbour').
  • MaxError Maximum error measured in input cellsize that is allowed in approximating the transformation (default is 0 for exact calculations).

Documentation for GDAL warper.

a new Geo::GDAL::Dataset object
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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::WriteRaster ( hash  params)

Object method. Write data into the dataset.

paramsNamed parameters:
  • XOff x offset (cell coordinates) (default is 0)
  • YOff y offset (cell coordinates) (default is 0)
  • XSize width of the area to write (default is the width of the dataset)
  • YSize height of the area to write (default is the height of the dataset)
  • Buf a buffer (or a reference to a buffer) containing the data. Create the buffer with pack function of Perl. See Geo::GDAL::Band::PackCharacter.
  • BufXSize (default is undef, i.e., the same as XSize)
  • BufYSize (default is undef, i.e., the same as YSize)
  • BufType data type of the buffer (default is the data type of the first band)
  • BandList a reference to an array of band indices (default is [1])
  • BufPixelSpace (default is 0)
  • BufLineSpace (default is 0)
  • BufBandSpace (default is 0)

Entry in GDAL docs (method RasterIO)

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public method Geo::GDAL::Dataset::WriteTile ( )
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