Geo::GDAL  2.0
Geo::GDAL::Transformer Class Reference

This class is not yet documented for the GDAL Perl bindings. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for Geo::GDAL::Transformer:
+ Collaboration diagram for Geo::GDAL::Transformer:

Public Member Functions

public method TransformGeolocations ()
public method TransformPoint ()
public method new ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Geo::GDAL
public list AccessTypes ()
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset AutoCreateWarpedVRT (Geo::GDAL::Dataset src, Geo::OSR::SpatialReference src_srs=undef, Geo::OSR::SpatialReference dst_srs=undef, scalar ResampleAlg='NearestNeighbour', scalar maxerror=0.0)
public method CPLBinaryToHex ()
public method CPLHexToBinary ()
public list Child (scalar node, scalar i)
public list Children (scalar node)
public method ComputeMedianCutPCT (Geo::GDAL::Band red, Geo::GDAL::Band green, Geo::GDAL::Band blue, scalar num_colors, scalar colors, subref progress, scalar progress_data)
public method ComputeProximity (Geo::GDAL::Band src, Geo::GDAL::Band proximity, hashref options, subref progress, scalar progress_data)
public scalar DataTypeIsComplex (scalar DataType)
public list DataTypeValueRange (scalar DataType)
public list DataTypes ()
public method Debug ()
public scalar DecToDMS (scalar angle, scalar axis, scalar precision=2)
public scalar DecToPackedDMS (scalar dec)
public method DitherRGB2PCT (scalar red, scalar green, scalar blue, scalar target, scalar colors, subref progress, scalar progress_data)
public method EscapeString ()
public scalar FindFile (scalar class, scalar basename)
public method FinderClean ()
public method GOA2GetAccessToken ()
public method GOA2GetAuthorizationURL ()
public method GOA2GetRefreshToken ()
public scalar GetCacheMax ()
public scalar GetCacheUsed ()
public scalar GetConfigOption (scalar key, scalar default)
public scalar GetDataTypeSize (scalar DataType)
public Geo::GDAL::Driver GetDriver (scalar name)
public list GetDriverNames ()
public method GetJPEG2000StructureAsString ()
public Geo::GDAL::Driver IdentifyDriver (scalar path, scalar siblings)
public list NodeData (scalar node)
public scalar NodeType (scalar type)
public list NodeTypes ()
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset Open (scalar name, scalar access= 'ReadOnly')
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset OpenEx (scalar name, scalar open_flags=0, array reference allowed_drivers=undef, array reference open_options=undef, array reference sibling_files=undef)
public Geo::GDAL::Dataset OpenShared (scalar name, scalar access= 'ReadOnly')
public scalar PackCharacter (scalar DataType)
public scalar PackedDMSToDec (scalar packed)
public array reference ParseXMLString (scalar XML)
public method Polygonize (Geo::GDAL::Band src, Geo::GDAL::Band mask, Geo::OGR::Layer out, scalar PixValField, hashref options, subref progress, scalar progress_data)
public method PopFinderLocation ()
public method PushFinderLocation (scalar path)
public list RIOResamplingTypes ()
public method RasterizeLayer (Geo::GDAL::Dataset ds, arrayref bands, Geo::OGR::Layer layer, scalar transformer, scalar arg, arrayref burn_values, hashref options, subref progress, scalar progress_data)
public method ReprojectImage (scalar src_ds, scalar dst_ds, scalar src_wkt=undef, scalar dst_wkt=undef, scalar ResampleAlg='NearestNeighbour', scalar WarpMemoryLimit=0, scalar maxerror=0.0, subref progress, scalar progress_data)
public list ResamplingTypes ()
public scalar SerializeXMLTree (arrayref XMLTree)
public method SetCacheMax (scalar Bytes)
public method SetConfigOption (scalar key, scalar value)
public method SieveFilter (Geo::GDAL::Band src, Geo::GDAL::Band mask, Geo::GDAL::Band dst, scalar threshold, scalar connectedness, hashref options, subref progress, scalar progress_data)
public scalar VersionInfo (scalar request= 'VERSION_NUM')

Detailed Description

This class is not yet documented for the GDAL Perl bindings.

Test and document.

Definition at line 5037 of file

Member Function Documentation

public method Geo::GDAL::Transformer::new ( )
click to view
public method Geo::GDAL::Transformer::TransformGeolocations ( )
click to view
public method Geo::GDAL::Transformer::TransformPoint ( )
click to view

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