▼NGeo | |
▼CGDAL | GDAL utility functions and a root class for raster classes. |
CAsyncReader | Enable asynchronous requests. |
CBand | A raster band. |
CColorTable | A color table from a raster band or a color table, which can be used for a band. |
CDataset | A set of associated raster bands or vector layer source. |
CDriver | A driver for a specific dataset format. |
CExtent | A rectangular area in projection coordinates: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. |
CGCP | A ground control point for georeferencing rasters. |
CGeoTransform | An array of affine transformation coefficients. |
CMajorObject | An object, which holds meta data. |
CRasterAttributeTable | An attribute table in a raster band. |
CTransformer | |
CVSIF | A GDAL virtual file system. |
CXML | A simple XML parser |
▼CGNM | Base class for geographical networks in GDAL. |
CGenericNetwork | |
CMajorObject | |
CNetwork | |
▼COGR | OGR utility functions. |
CDataSource | A vector dataset. |
CDriver | A vector format driver. |
CFeature | A collection of non-spatial and spatial attributes. |
CFeatureDefn | The schema of a feature or a layer. |
CFieldDefn | A definition of a non-spatial attribute. |
CGeometry | Spatial data. |
CGeomFieldDefn | A definition of a spatial attribute. |
CLayer | A collection of similar features. |
CStyleTable | |
▼COSR | Base class for projection related classes. |
CCoordinateTransformation | An object for transforming from one projection to another. |
CSpatialReference | A spatial reference system. |